Thursday, November 26, 2009

Living in a Dream!

Well, we did it. We moved out of our home of 16 years after burying our cat, Maggie. Maggie was 20 years old and was loved by all our children and grandchildren. She had arthritis, had a difficult time walking and climing our stairs and was starting to scratch at our grand babies we made a very sad trip to the vet. She was such a good, loving cat and will be missed.

We love our new home. We have had a hard time making the transition of driving home to it, however. Even though we love our new home, we keep making the wrong turn when we are coming home from grocery shopping at Kents. It is hard seeing someone else living in my home. We built it, we lived in it and raised our children in it. So many memories were made there. SO, we have a task....building new memories in this amazing new home.

Kristine is home from her mission to Argentina. She is attending BYU-I and comes home just about every weekend. We missed her while she was gone and her visits home from college are so much fun.

We are spending Thanksgiving in Denver with Danielle, Jimmy & the girls. The day has been amazing, the food absolutely delicious and spending time with the grandkids is the best part of all. I've got to get to bed because I am getting up at 3:45 a.m. to go Christmas shopping on "black" Friday. Hurray! Pictures will be posted soon ;-)